Solution Overview:
To re-connect your M365 tenant to Cognni, a Global Administrator will need to provide Cognni with read-only consent to your SharePoint 365 Audit Logs.
Applies to:
Cognni customers who have made changes to their M365 tenant permissions/admin accounts, resulting in Cognni no longer syncing with their M365 SharePoint Audit Log.
M365 Global Administrator Account
Solution Steps:
Step 1: Request a Re-Consent Prompt
Cognni will notify you if your audit log no longer syncing through Cognni. If you are not notified, contact your Cognni representative or [email protected] to activate a re-consent prompt.
Step 2: Enter your Cognni Portal
Log in with your Cognni Admin account at:
You will be provided a re-consent prompt:
Step 3: Access SharePoint 365 Permissions
Confirm the checkbox:
Click Confirm:
Step 4: Approve SharePoint 365 Permissions
Using a Global Administrator Account, provide consent for the following M365 Permissions. This step will provide coverage for SharePoint 365, OneDrive, and MS Teams.
Step 5: All Done!
Your Cognni Portal should begin syncing your Audit Log events. Depending on the size of your organization this should take between a 24-72 hours.
Still Need Help?
Contact [email protected] for more information.