Solution Summary:
The following steps will allow you to provide access to additional administrators for the Cognni system:
Any Cognni License
Solution Steps
Step 1: Log in using your admin account
NOTE: Your initial login details will be related to the account used for onboarding (i.e. your tenant’s Global Administrator account)
Step 2: Go to Settings in the top right
Step 3: Click “Invite Admins”
Step 4: Choose an Admin Type
Decide which user access permissions you would like to keep in scope.
1. Super Admin has complete access to the Cognni system.
2. Business Unit Admin can be prevented from accessing certain information
inside the Cognni system.
In the event of a Business Unit Admin, scope the permissions to determine:
i. Which information categories are viewable.
ii. Which entity types are viewable.
iii. Which apps are customizable.
Step 5: Input Email
In the event of a Super Admin, simply Input the email address of each user you would like to add
NOTE: Remember to hit the “Enter” key after each email address
Step 6: New Admins Log In
Provide you administrators with the log in link:
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